Jacksonville support meeting coming up... questions...
Some of you who have not been to our get togethers have contacted me by email so I thought I would go ahead and answer everyone right here at once LOL
Due to the limited seating and the adult content that is sometimes discussed please leave your children at home or do what Jamie did last time and arrange for a baby sitter. These meetings are for adults only. We want to be able to talk openly and everyone feel comfortable and our group is getting bigger and bigger and will probably not be meeting at Beans after this next meeting. Nancy brought up The Kettle which is another great choice so maybe next month we will move on down the road
I will see everyone on Aprill 22nd at 6pm!!!!
Due to the limited seating and the adult content that is sometimes discussed please leave your children at home or do what Jamie did last time and arrange for a baby sitter. These meetings are for adults only. We want to be able to talk openly and everyone feel comfortable and our group is getting bigger and bigger and will probably not be meeting at Beans after this next meeting. Nancy brought up The Kettle which is another great choice so maybe next month we will move on down the road

I'll try to make it to the next meeting then. My husband is deployed and all of my friends are out of town for spring break so I don't have anyone to watch my son. I didn't realize it was a problem for me to have brought him last time.
Take care all!
~getting healthy isn't a competition~ =)
starting weight: 267 lbs (highest weight: 270+)
current weight: 139 lbs
total weight loss since surgery: 128 lbs
I agree that Beans is getting smalller or we're getting larger, no pun intended. I say the heck with them if they have an attitude. Amy, not just pertaining to this, but if you ever want, I know of a very good girl who sits, she's one of my best friends daughters should you ever really need a sitter, let me know, and I'll hook you up.
I don't know, I just hate the fact that someone would miss out on the support group meeting because of their kids!! I have 2 kids and live an hour away and I REALLY CAN USE THE SUPPORT SYSTEM, but there are times where I have no choice but to bring them along to appointments and such. Sometimes we have to deal with the fact that people have children and do not have access to a baby sitter and we do have to bring them along!! ESPECIALLY being part of the military and our husbands deploying. My husband as well as my children are part of my weight loss journey and always will be!! Maybe us Mommy's could benefit from a child friendly meeting at a park or something sometime!!
AMY i personally don't think your son was a problem at all!! He made me laugh.
Anyways just wanted to give my opinion!! Have a Great Day!!
I was thinking about a child friendly meeting, too!! Maybe we can start next month! How about Thur, May 1st, at Onslow Pines Park or J'ville Commons, or maybe there is a park in the middle between J'ville and Jami!! We can bring our lunches or even meet at a Mcdonald's that has a play land! Let me know what the other WLS mom's want to do! And of course, everyone is welcomed, even if your not a mom!
I wasnt saying your children or anyones children were not a part of your weight loss, did you see how small our meeting room was? Thats why we are going to move our meetings to a BIGGER LOCATION. I and a few other people have mentioned that we shouldnt have to whisper about things at our meetings and should be able to speak freely about anything without having to worry about if someones child might over hear us. So please do not be upset Jami, no ones attacking people with kids I was just telling everyone that it was GREAT you brought your husband along to watch your kids and sometimes we get on adult related subjects that Im sure NO ONE would want there kid to hear. Sometimes we will need to deal with the fact that not everyone has small children and we want to be able to discuss whatever we want without worrying what words to use or say to describe things. I love talking to everyone and hearing how they are doing and Im not trying to exclude anyone from coming.. I just think there are a time and a place for everything and that our meetings are for adults who had or are going to have surgery and want to talk to other adults about it, others have mentioned the same thing and I didnt think anyone would take it the wrong way, but of course predicting the way people think is really never a good thing to do. Have a great day!!!!! see you all next week!!!
I am excited about meeting all of you... Maybe if we get to big we could do a daily one and a evening one.. Just a thought. I have 4 children.. so once schools out.. It could become hard to come.. But I agree some of the topics associated with this wonderful jorney arn't something you want to discuss with children.. See you all next week.